New Fast Control Methods Achieve Record Fidelity in Superconducting Qubits | MIT News

Quantum computers promise to solve complex problems many times faster than classical computers, by using the principles of quantum mechanics to encode and process information into quantum bits (qubits). Qubits are the building blocks of quantum computers. However, one of the challenges in scaling is that qubits are highly sensitive to background noise and imperfections…

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Brain Scans Provide Key Insights Into Childhood Genetic Disorders

An international team of scientists will study Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), a lifelong neurological disorder, using thousands of brain MRI scans collected from research groups around the world. The study, which will be carried out by researchers from the University of Manchester and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) in collaboration with colleagues in Australia…

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Top Sex Positions to Increase Your Chances of Pregnancy

If you’re trying to conceive, you’re probably wondering about the best sex positions for conception. Believe it or not, experts still don’t have convincing evidence to answer this question. “It’s difficult to study specific sexual positions that can increase fertility,” says Cheryl A. Kingsberg, M.D., director of behavioral medicine at University Hospitals Medical Center Cleveland….

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viết lại tiêu đề hay hơn bằng tiếng anh đảm bảo phải là tiếng anh bằng 1 dòng duy nhất và bỏ qua dấu “”

The best time to get pregnant is when you are physically, emotionally, mentally and financially ready. This varies greatly from person to person. Most people reach the peak of their fertility in their 20s, but the best age to get pregnant also depends on other factors. For example, young people are less likely to have…

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How a Brain Circuit Stores Memories of Places and Events

Nearly 50 years ago, neuroscientists discovered cells in the hippocampus of the brain that store memories of specific places. These cells also play an important role in storing memories of events, known as episodic memories. Although the mechanisms by which place cells encode spatial memories have been well understood, how they encode episodic memories remains…

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This agile robotic insect could assist with mechanical pollination in the future | MIT News

More efficient artificial pollination methods could one day enable farmers to grow fruits and vegetables inside multi-story warehouses, increasing yields while reducing some of agriculture’s harmful environmental impacts. To make this idea a reality, MIT researchers are developing robotic insects that could one day fly out of mechanical beehives to perform precise, on-the-spot pollination. But…

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