The Corpus Luteum: Functions and Significance Explained
The corpus luteum is formed from the empty follicle remaining after ovulation. This is the last active phase of the ovarian follicle life cycle. The corpus luteum is not sufficiently appreciated for the important role it plays in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Without it, early pregnancy cannot be sustained. The ovary is made up…

Breast Care Tips for New Moms: Maintaining Postpartum Breast Health During Breastfeeding
Breast care doesn’t end with childbirth – it becomes even more important in the postpartum phase, especially for breastfeeding mothers. During this time, women may face several problems, such as engorgement, sore nipples, plugged milk ducts, and pain from breastfeeding. Breast care after giving birth goes beyond hygiene. It also requires paying close attention to…

Do Women Have Different Heart Attack Symptoms? Expert Reveals 5 Overlooked Silent Signs
Heart attacks are often associated with severe chest pain and sudden collapse in men because of how they are portrayed in movies. But in reality, the symptoms of a heart attack can be much more subtle, especially in women. These symptoms are often ignored or dismissed as a minor ailment that can have devastating consequences….

Ruptured Ovarian Cysts: Symptoms and How to Manage Them
Have you ever felt a sudden sharp pain in your lower abdomen and wondered what could be causing it? For many women, this can be the unexpected result of a ruptured ovarian cyst. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can develop inside or on the outer surface of an ovary. These cysts are very common…

David McGee Appointed Head of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Department | MIT News
David McGee, the William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at MIT, was recently named chair of MIT’s Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) Department, effective January 15. McGee specializes in using isotopic geochemistry and geochronology to reconstruct Earth’s climate history, contributing to our understanding of how the climate system responds during…

How to Overcome Anxiety About Getting Pregnant
Not everyone feels happy or excited about trying to have a baby. The process of trying to conceive can easily feel like it’s overshadowing your life – especially when it’s taking longer than you expected. While most couples don’t get pregnant within the first few months of trying, infertility is much more than just not…

Optimal Timing: When Is the Best Time to Get Pregnant?
If you’re currently trying to get pregnant, there are many tips on when to have sex or fertility treatments like IUI. You may be wondering if there’s anything you can do to get pregnant faster. You’re most likely to get pregnant right before or during ovulation, but technically you can get pregnant at any time…

DELO Unveils New High-Speed Light Curing Lamp for Small Areas
DELO Industrial Adhesives introduces its latest light-curing product, the DELOLUX 30. It replaces the successful DELOLUX 80 series lamps and aims to further improve on the highly customizable light-curing capabilities of its predecessor. The new DELOLUX 30 small-area lamp has high intensities that enable high-speed light curing. Image credit: DELO The main features of the…

Aligning Artificial Intelligence with Human Values | MIT News
Senior Audrey Lorvo conducts AI safety research, which seeks to ensure that increasingly sophisticated AI models are trustworthy and can benefit humanity. This growing field focuses on technical challenges, such as the robustness and alignment of AI with human values, as well as social issues, such as transparency and accountability. Physicians are also concerned about…

Menopause Belly: Expert Advice on Causes of Weight Gain and How to Manage It
What is a menopausal belly? Menopausal belly refers to weight gain in women during menopause, especially in the abdominal area. When women enter menopause, several factors contribute to weight gain. According to a 2016 study, women gain an average of about 10 pounds during and after menopause. One of the main reasons is hormonal changes,…