How Jet Lag Impacts Women and Men Differently

Everyone feels tired and fatigued after a long journey, but when it comes to traveling across multiple time zones, the fatigue can increase significantly. This is due to a phenomenon called jet lag, which occurs when your body clock, or circadian rhythm, is out of sync with the new time zone. Interestingly, studies and experts…

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viết lại tiêu đề hay hơn bằng tiếng anh đảm bảo phải là tiếng anh bằng 1 dòng duy nhất và bỏ qua dấu “”

In a competitive world, modern women have to juggle a myriad of responsibilities, from building a successful career and marrying at the “right age” to staying healthy and balancing work and life. Add to this the ever-increasing pressures of anxiety, stress and a fast-paced culture, and you barely have time to stop, rest and plan…

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viết lại tiêu đề hay hơn bằng tiếng anh đảm bảo phải là tiếng anh bằng 1 dòng duy nhất và bỏ qua dấu “”

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects many women across different age groups. It causes imbalance of reproductive hormones, resulting in symptoms like irregular periods, acne, weight gain and even infertility. In addition to reproductive health, PCOS is also associated with metabolic complications like insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertension and increased risk of…

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Karnataka Government Plans to Introduce 6 Paid Menstrual Leave Days Per Year: Why It Matters and How It Benefits Women

In a major effort towards improving inclusivity and gender equality in the workplace, the Karnataka state government is considering a proposal to provide six paid menstrual leaves per year. The initiative recognises the physical and mental challenges women face during menstruation and provides relief from work-related stress while prioritising their health. While the proposal has…

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ADHD in Women: Recognizing Symptoms, Overcoming Challenges, and Addressing Misdiagnosis

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has long been considered a childhood condition common among hyperactive boys. But for countless women, ADHD is an invisible force that shapes their lives and is often misdiagnosed or ignored altogether. Unlike men, women face hormonal fluctuations, social pressures, and emotional burdens that exacerbate the challenges of ADHD. Not only…

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