A Fresh Approach to Neuromorphic Computing

Scientists led by Professor Nazek El-Atab from the Smart Advanced Memory Devices and Applications (SAMA) Laboratory, School of Computer Electronics and Mathematical Science and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia,  have developed a MOSCap device using hafnium diselenide (HfSe2) that mimics neuron-like adaptive behavior and memory retention . Their findings  were published…

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Timing Is Key for Healthy Hearing | MIT News

When sound waves reach your inner ear, nerve cells there pick up the vibrations and alert your brain. The signal encodes a treasure trove of information that allows you to follow a conversation, recognise familiar voices, enjoy music, and quickly find a ringing phone or crying baby. Nerve cells send signals by firing electrical impulses…

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What to Expect During the First Trimester

The first few weeks of pregnancy can certainly be overwhelming with a lot of life changes, physical symptoms, regular doctor’s appointments, etc. For first-time parents in particular, the early stages of pregnancy can feel daunting as you’re venturing into unknown territory for the first time. Next, we want to clarify some aspects of early pregnancy….

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Your Pregnancy Symptoms, Week by Week Guide

From breast pain in early pregnancy to back pain in late pregnancy, your body undergoes many changes throughout pregnancy. For expectant parents, these pregnancy-related symptoms may be expected or unexpected. Symptoms vary from person to person and from pregnancy to pregnancy, with some symptoms being more common than others. Use our list of symptoms by…

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16 Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

If you’re trying to conceive, you should be on the lookout for some very early signs of pregnancy, some of which can appear just a few days after conception. Of course, many of the early pregnancy symptoms overlap with common premenstrual syndrome symptoms, which can lead to confusion and anxiety. Some people notice signs a…

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