A vaginal infection, or vaginitis, occurs when the natural balance of microorganisms in your vagina is disrupted. This condition often leads to changes in vaginal discharge, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Vaginal discharge is usually normal, clear or white in colour and odourless. If it thickens as your period approaches, it is considered normal. However, abnormal and unexplained vaginal discharge like thick white or a thin grey-white discharge with a strong fishy smell could be a sign of an infection. While there are many factors that can trigger this condition, certain foods can also be the culprit. Dr Ushakiran Sisodia, Head of Nutrition and Dietetics, Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai, gave the OnlyMyHealth team a list of foods to avoid:
Read more: Try these tips to keep your vagina healthy as the seasons change
Sweet food
In today’s busy world, sweet foods are almost unavoidable. In addition to the obviously sweet snack foods, packaged foods, such as flavored potato chips that you can enjoy in one sitting, often contain added sugars. Dr Sisodia says that high sugar intake may increase the risk of vaginal infections, such as yeast infections.
Yeast infections occur due to an overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans in the vagina. They feed on sugar, and consuming too much sugar can destroy the bacteria in your vagina, causing an infection.
Dr Sisodia warned that people with comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes are at higher risk of contracting the infection and developing more severe symptoms.
Starchy foods
According to the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and cereals are the main source of carbohydrates. Choosing the right starchy foods can also help meet your daily requirements for nutrients like fibre, calcium, iron and B vitamins. However, Dr Sisodia says that consuming too many starchy foods can affect your vaginal health and lead to infections.
She explains that consuming starchy foods, especially those high in sugar, interferes with carbohydrate metabolism, weakening the immune system and making the body more susceptible to infections.
Acidic Foods
Dr Sisodia says acidic pH levels in the body can also contribute to vaginal infections, especially yeast infections, which are more likely to occur when urine is acidic. This includes foods such as processed and sugary foods.
It’s important to note that a balanced pH is usually between 3.8 and 4.2, according to StatPearls Publishing, though this can vary depending on each person’s age and menstrual cycle.
Read more: Vaginal health after giving birth: Changes to watch out for and tips to ease pain
Foods to include in your diet
Maintaining a healthy vaginal environment is important to reduce vaginal infections. Hygiene plays an important role, but certain foods can also help. These include:
Foods rich in probiotics, such as kimchi, soy products, and yogurt
Antioxidant-rich fruits such as blueberries, pomegranates, strawberries, and apples
Foods rich in fiber, such as beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains
Low glycemic index foods such as apples, carrots, nuts, and whole grains
in conclusion
Changes in lifestyle have dramatically altered our eating habits, with many of us working long hours and neglecting proper nutrition and hydration. This can increase the risk of vaginal infections, especially those who eat a lot of sugary, starchy and acidic foods. Moreover, people with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes need to be more careful when it comes to their diet.
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