Over a decade later, I still remember that after my first child was born, a Wendy’s baked potato was literally the best food I ever had. Admittedly, it wasn’t my dream meal, but it was the middle of the night and they were the only restaurant open in the area. I still savored every bite.
Apparently I’m not the only one who wants to eat nutritious food soon after giving birth: A recent survey of 2,000 moms found that more than a third of new moms said the meal they were most looking forward to was a burger.
Perhaps Burger King UK’s commissioning of the Mumsnet survey has catapulted this American staple into the spotlight, but it makes sense either way: after all, giving birth is harder than any CrossFit workout on the planet, and burgers are hearty and satisfying, especially when paired with fries.
Don’t you believe that a burger can make moms just as happy as their new babies? Check out this commercial from the makers of the Whopper, which shows hungry women munching on steaks while holding adorable newborn babies.
Burger King’s post-pregnancy meal backlash
Not everyone is happy with Burger King’s new advert, as they say it encourages unhealthy habits among new parents after giving birth.
“This is disturbing. What mums need after giving birth is nutrition, not a burger loaded with calories and sodium. It’s irresponsible to promote this right after such a major physical experience,” one commenter wrote on Instagram.
Another user posted: “Post-natal mothers need proper nutrition!… Advertisements that glorify junk food should be banned just like tobacco ads are banned.”
Others pointed out how difficult childbirth is and that new parents should be free to eat what they like.
“I think any woman should be able to eat whatever she wants after giving birth! She should get a medal, not just for the food she chooses,” one person said.
Another wrote: “I understand where the nutrition comment is coming from (good point) but come on! Eating a burger after months of pregnancy and childbirth is about resting (PS: there’s a reason they call childbirth labor).”
Can I eat what I want after giving birth?
“The metabolic demands of labor and delivery cannot be overemphasized,” says Jillian Lopiano, MD, obstetrician-gynecologist and medical director at Wisp.
Additionally, most people don’t eat anything during labor. In fact, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), laboring women are advised to avoid solid foods and only consume clear liquids.
Dr. Lopiano says she advises new parents to eat whatever they want after giving birth because they deserve it, but if you’re breastfeeding, it’s best to limit caffeine and alcohol and stay well hydrated.
“Protein, good fats, lots of fruits and vegetables, and of course plenty of fluids are good choices to ensure you have enough energy to recover, breastfeed, and care for a newborn,” she says.
Unfortunately, a survey revealed that 41% of new moms dreamed of good food during labor, only to be disappointed with what was available to them after the baby was born. And there’s some truth to that: hospital food isn’t exactly known for it.
And because labor can happen at any time of the day or night, there are n’t always a ton of open food options, no matter how much you beg your partner, family, or friends to go out and buy all the things you’ll want to eat once baby arrives .
If you’re pregnant and already know what you want to eat after giving birth, in addition to preparing your birth plan, it may be time to also think about your initial postpartum meal plan.