Every breast is unique. They vary in shape, size, and skin texture. In some cases, these shapes can change due to factors such as menstruation, hormonal imbalances, and benign breast diseases such as breast cysts and atypical hyperplasia.
A breast lump is one of the most worrying symptoms that can cause people a lot of anxiety. This is because it is a characteristic sign of breast cancer, the most common cancer in women worldwide. However, the good news is that most breast lumps (around 80% of biopsyed lumps) are benign or non-cancerous. But either way, it is important to know what an abnormal breast lump actually means. Here are some typical signs:
Read more: Breast cancer lumps feel hard and round: How are they different from benign breast lumps?
Uneven breast shape
About one in four women have asymmetrical breasts, or asymmetrical breasts. This condition occurs when one breast is a different size or shape from the other. But when this irregularity or abnormality is caused by an irregularly shaped lump rather than a round or oval shape, it could be a sign of an underlying problem. In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, if a breast lump has irregular edges that look different from the surrounding breast tissue, it could be a sign of breast cancer.
Injury and hard lump
Breast lumps are common, especially when you’re experiencing hormonal changes or near your period. According to the Cleveland Clinic, breast lumps are usually lumpy, smooth, spongy, soft, mobile, round in shape. However, an abnormal or worrying breast lump will be firm or hard to the touch rather than soft and mobile. You should see a doctor for an exam and screening to rule out the possibility of breast cancer.
Chest pain or tenderness
Most breast cancers are painless and therefore often go unnoticed in the early stages, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore a painful or tender lump that appears in your breast, especially if it persists over time.
In most cases, a painful breast lump could be a sign of a fibroadenoma or cyst, or it could simply be a normal change in the breast tissue called fibrocystic changes.
Changes in the texture of the skin around the breasts
Don’t ignore breast lumps accompanied by changes in skin texture, such as dimpling, wrinkling, or an orange-peel texture — all classic signs of breast cancer. Also look out for other changes, such as “scaly skin around the nipple and areola, as if it’s sunburned or extremely dry, and thickening of the skin anywhere on the breast,” according to Medical News Today.
Read more: Though rare, men can get breast cancer too: Experts share who’s at risk and warning signs
Nipple changes
If you have a lump in your breast, look out for changes in your nipple — an inverted nipple, a rash, or a discharge that’s not breast milk — could be a sign of breast cancer.
in conclusion
Breast cancer is very common and most cases are benign. There are many factors that can cause this condition, but if you have a painless, hard, irregularly shaped breast lump, it could be breast cancer. However, self-examination is a great way to detect abnormalities early, but a visit to the doctor for a check-up can confirm the diagnosis. To avoid late detection, it is important to regularly monitor your breasts and take action on any changes.
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